
Last Day: Your Highs & Lows of The Month

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Day 30: Your highs and lows of the month.

Highs and lows? Did you mean something like ups and downs? I’m sorry, I couldn’t get the meaning. But, if it has similar meaning, let’s go with the last challenge, then.

Let’s started with the lows:

Friends broke their promises more than once. If I were my past self, I might be in rage and can’t forgive them. I value person who can keep their word. However, thanks to the experiences now I am able to understand others (slightly) better and realize the value friendships. I learned that no need to make a fuss. As I get older, I need to learn about compromises, understand about their situation and their priority. Sometimes there is something that you can’t control.   

Still learn how to control my expenses. When I am looking at interesting things, I tend to buy them without thinking, though I know that’s totally unnecessary. It’s hard to resist, especially for discount or limited items. The struggle is real! Resistance is futile!

The last three days, I had insomnia thus my plans become slightly disturbed. I despised that moment because I worry that would alter my process working on replacing bad habits.

Then, about the highs:

Finally, I am able to visit three from five places that I want to visit when I wrote in Day Five. It happened ten days later. The fourth place coming soon next year. It is something that I can’t even imagine I actually can be there due to everyone always busy with their tight schedule.

Happy to know that some bad habits slightly at least replaced with new ones. Still. The result still not like what I imagined. I learned to keep my expectation low at everything to avoid disappointment. Need to keep this up and find better strategy to make things effectively.

Although that I’m not able to participate NanoWriMo, at least I completed this challenge. I never know how it feels able to enjoy writing again. So, to the one who invents this challenge, deep down from my heart, personally I want to say thank you.

So, this means 30 days writing challenge is finished. Thank you for reading and be with me through 30 days challenge! See you next time!
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  1. yang paling low buat saya adalah: mau ngeblog susah mulainya karena udah berhari-hari gak nulis jadi kaku, ini aja udah sejam malah jadinya blog walking T_T
