
Day 26: Area In Your Life You'd Like To Improve | 30 Days Writing Challenge

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Day 26: Write an area in your life that you’d like to improve.

I would like to be consistent in whatever I do. Heh. That would scoop the entire area.

I am easily bored when it comes to routine activities, I think I am not the only one with a case like this. So, I need to add some spices to live it up. When I lost interest, it is hard for me for getting back the hype.  

Not only that I am also easily distracted and it is a hindrance to keep focus and finishing things that I started. Well, when that happened the works are still completed, but it takes time and that completely messes up the initial plan.

I’m happy to say to this day at day 26, I am still consistent with what I do. It is a good thing! Which is something that I can celebrate later.

However, still… Deep down inside, I’m not satisfied with the result. Sometimes, I felt that I can do much better than what I already did. Once again, I must learn to know my limits, appreciate the process (each person is different) and try to not compare my behind-the-scene with others highlight reel (which is quite challenging when I’m feeling down).

One step at a time!

Source: sochic28

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