
30 Day Drawing Challenge

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Started from the last month, I tried to bring back my interest at drawing. I felt my drawing is not developed well. I am also not confident of my work. I never share it before like this so last month is such a huge step. Yay, me!

Then, I think about how about me doing a challenge like what I did in writing. This is a perfect opportunity to practice. After searching around I found this challenge.
And, the contents are perfect for me. 
I’m not consider myself as good or a bad person, but somewhere between. This is how I look at myself.
I still had problem creating a proper body image. And, I need to do some research on coloring. It is not necessary to color this, but I want to do some practices. And, I couldn’t resist!

Manual drawing + coloring using Paint.NET.  

Drawing this while listening to “Kau Adalah” from Isyana Sarasvati. 

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