
Day 19: First Love | 30 Days Writing Challenge

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Day 19: Discuss your first love.

When I went to High School, I chose go to school with mostly where my friends belong. It’s also one of big mistakes because:
1. Mostly friends that I know were assigned in different class.
2. As time goes by, middle school friends already have their own world and new friends.

That time we were still staying in touch, but it is not the same anymore, I felt alone and abandoned. I usually spent my time with walking around the school or simply reading a comic book in the corner of schoolyard.

Then, I met that person.

If my memory not fail me, I remember that it was the first year. I know her when I accidentally saw her through the class window from afar. Doing a music practice. She’s a part of a band and she is the drummer.

She has a long hair, oftentimes her hair was tied and she’s always wearing glasses.
Secretly, I look at that person every chance that I had, but I am too shy.
I just want to be friend with her.

And, I never thought it would be so hard to just start to say, “hello”.

“Hi, my name is Harry, nice to meet you. What is your name?”

Sadly, that word left unspoken.  

Long story short, time passes…

And, I never see that person again.

I don’t know what the feeling that I had that time was. It was counted as first love? Maybe not. That time I was known as socially inept, who having hard time to made friends and started conversations.

Looking back, it’s funny to think that we are the same person and yet so different. Maybe I was attracted to something that she had. No. Not boobs. She is energetic, socially savvy and seems to enjoy her life. Something that I don’t have yet.


“Hi, my name is Harry. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”

And, their response just like:

I have a boyfriend.
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  1. Well, aku sih belum pernah jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. Yang aku tahu, kita tidak akan pernah terbiasa patah hati. :)

    1. Setuju dengan yang Ron bilang. Sampai bisa menemukan orang yang tepat, setidaknya bakal gitu ya ^^

  2. first love saya itu sama guru ngaji tapi bertepuk sebelah tangan *kasian deh lu* gak terlupakan tuh soalnya pertama banget suka sama orang

    1. *angguk* Nggak enak banget kalau bertepuk sebelah tangan ya, mbak. Tapi, nggak apa-apa mbak Ev. Setidaknya karena itu mbak Evrina khan jadi bisa ketemu sama masnya sekarang dan mbak jadi punya cerita buat anak cucu kelak hihihi....
