Either it happened when I am in the fifth or sixth grader, I
don’t know for sure, but I remember that one of teachers said that I am a nerd
in front of my classmates. (Well, I don’t know what the exact word for ‘kuper’)
She advised me to get more involved in activity with others.
Since that time that word always stuck in my head and I manifest
into actual nerd.
That time my world only revolve around video games. It was
one thing that I really know about and sadly one thing that I am proud of. Other
than that is about cartoons. So, it’s quite hard for me to blend in especially for
topics that I didn’t know about.
On the other side. My dad is also a strict parent. He didn’t
want me to get caught in bad influence. One time I ever said about one word
that seems common around my peers. It was a joke. But when I said that word, dad
was angry, asked me where I learned that word and told me to stop.
I guess this is it. I should prepare and write better, but I
am too exhausted. I still need to complete some tasks either. Sigh.