Day 20: Three Celebrity Crushes | 30 Days Writing Challenge

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Day 20: Post about three celebrity crushes.

To be frank, I never had celebrity crushes that made me freak over them. Actually, I’m not interested into that kind of stuffs. Sadly, my youth was between me, comics, cartoons and games.

Compare my past self and now, there is not much difference. Unless there is a little time for comics, cartoons, but not some games.  

However, there were some people that I admire, but not into the level of crush:  

Naysila Mirdad

I know her through a local TV Series called “Intan” at 2006 which has “Ruang Rindu” from Letto as OST. My first impression: She is cute and I love her voice.

Tika Panggabean

Source: sosialberita
She is my favorite personnel from Project Pop along with O’on. Project Pop is kind like a part of my childhood and they are still exist until now. What I love from her, she is comfortable with her body image and she looks as kind, optimistic, cheerful and definitely a fun person to hang out with.

Isyana Sarasvati

Fall in love with her voice, although not into the level of hardcore fan. Knowing her through “Keep Being You”. However, my friend already her fan and went through her small gig and got her CD. My first impression: She looks smart.

Actually there is more, like Emma Watson, Avril Lavigne and others, but due to post limitation that is up to three. So…
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  1. wahh isyaaana, everybody love her, suara bagus, wajah cantik, pinter pulak, lengkap deh

    1. Iyaaaa, mbak Evrina ^^ Salut bener deh sama orang tuanya!
